On March 15, 2016, the National University of Civil Engineering organized the program "Dialogue between students and school leaders in the academic year 2015-2016".

Attending the dialogue were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duy Hoa - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the school; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Van Tan - Chairman of the School Council; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Ngoc Khoa - Chairman of the University's Trade Union; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Xuan Anh – Vice Rector; Prof. Dr. Phan Quang Minh - Vice Rector; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Quang Dung - Vice Rector; MSc. Nguyen Van Sy - Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; student Nguyen Trong Minh – President of the University's Student Union; Mr. Vu Anh Dung – Former Deputy Head of Political Affairs and Student Management Department, currently Deputy Director of Personnel and Organization Department - Ministry of Transport; together with the leaders of the departments, faculties and departments; teachers and more than 800 students represent 17000 students studying at the school.

Overview of the hall of the dialogue between students and school leaders in 2016

The dialogue program is an annual activity to create a direct information forum between the school leaders and students, helping the school leaders to grasp and promptly solve the difficulties and problems of the students. members during their studies at the school.

Addressing orientation at the dialogue, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duy Hoa - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the school said that "all the students' opinions have been fully synthesized by the functional departments and sent to the leadership." school. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duy Hoa said that all of the students' opinions are very legitimate, showing their desire to contribute their efforts in many forms to build and develop the school. Therefore, the Board of Directors hopes to continue to receive more sincere contributions from the students and the dialogue will take place in a frank, open and constructive spirit.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duy Hoa - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the school speaks at the dialogue

The dialogue was divided into two parts: Part one,  School leaders answered questions, students' opinions were collected before the dialogue took place; The second part of the conversation is for students and school leaders to discuss face-to-face. The main contents mentioned in the dialogue revolved around very practical issues for students such as: Program, teaching plan; Course registration; The plan to organize the exam, to pass, to re-study; Issues of tuition fees and scholarships; Conditions of facilities, classrooms; The service of staff in the school; Solutions to promote physical training - sports movements, after-hours social activities, Union - Association activities, etc.

The dialogue took place seriously in the spirit of frank, open, sincere and responsible exchange from the teachers who are leaders of the school and also from the students. The questions, exchanges, suggestions as well as legitimate aspirations and suggestions of the students are received by the University's leaders and have satisfactory answers. The hall of the dialogue continuously resounded with endless applause after each student's proposal, which was committed by the Rector and the school's teachers and leaders in the best way on the basis of school case. Sometimes, the "conversation hall" also coincides when the school's leaders sincerely share with the students about the difficulties of the school, hoping to receive their sharing about the difficult conditions of the school. facilities and other limitations that cannot be overcome by objective reasons.

Speaking at the end of the dialogue after more than 3 hours, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Duy Hoa highly appreciated and praised the sense of responsibility of the students in taking the initiative and actively participating in the exchange and giving suggestions to the students. school activities. On behalf of the school's leaders, the Principal commits that the children's legitimate opinions will be taken care of in the best possible way in the school's conditions. He also believes that, with the tireless efforts of all teachers and officials, surely the dear students of the National University of Civil Engineering will soon have an increasingly better learning environment. better meet their legitimate expectations.

Right after the dialogue, according to the school's work schedule, on Tuesday afternoon, March 22, 2016, the Rector will chair a meeting with leaders of units in the school to implement the work according to the results. discussion of the  dialogue between students and school leaders. All  functional departments of the school will soon have appropriate solutions and  work with the utmost responsibility to concretize commitments to students in the spirit of all for the benefit of students.

Start: 04:00 22/07/2021  (GMT + 07)
End: 05:00 22/07/2021  (GMT + 07)
Location: XAY DUNG University