

On the afternoon of August 1, 2024, the delegation of House of Representatives MPs and the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) visited and worked at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE).

Members of the Parliamentary Delegation and LDP include: Mr. Tokai Kisaburo - Chairman of the Policy Research Committee, Member of the House of Representatives, Head of the working delegation; Mr. Miyauchi Hideki - Head of the Department of Economy, Trade and Industry, Policy Research Committee, Member of the House of Representatives; Mr. Takeda Norimasa – Director of Japan National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology; Mr. Ookochi Akihiro - Deputy Director of Southeast Asia and Southwest Asia Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; Mr. Ito Naoki - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Vietnam and representatives of Japanese agencies and organizations as well as organizations working in Vietnam.

On the side of the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Hoang Tung - Principal; Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Hoang Giang - Vice Principal; together with leaders of Faculties and Departments.

The Hanoi University of Civil Engineering is one of Vietnam's higher education institutions with many cooperative activities with higher education institutions and the Japanese government. Recognizing the effective activities of the University in recent times, the Delegation selected the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering as one of the higher education institutions to visit in their working schedule.

Overview of the working session

Speaking at the reception, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Tung - Principal of the School said that the School was proud to be the main coordinator of two projects within the framework of the Science and Technology Research Cooperation Fund for Sustainable Development with a total value of up to 10 million USD. Among them, the first science and technology research project for sustainable development has ended and was rated Grade A by the Science Council of the Japanese Government. In addition, the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering has been implementing many projects with capital from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as well as from Japanese ministries to train young human resources and cooperate in international publication and technology transfer. Since the Government Agreement on science and technology cooperation between Vietnam and Japan was signed in 2006, there have been many scientific research and technology transfer cooperation projects between organizations and scientists of the two countries successfully deployed. "The school is committed to continuing to support project groups to effectively implement and achieve the set goals" - Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Tung affirmed.

Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Tung - Principal spoke at the meeting

Mr. Tokai Kisaburo - Head of the Policy Research Committee, Member of the Japanese House of Representatives emphasized that at the Summit commemorating the 50th anniversary of ASEAN - Japan relations that took place last year, the Japanese Government announced the support amount of 15 billion Yen for joint international research and research staff exchange program. This is the foundation for Vietnam and Japan to strengthen cooperation in the field of science and technology. Mr. Tokai Kisaburo highly appreciated the cooperation in the SATREPS Project between Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Nagasaki University and Saitama University, and expressed his desire to strengthen cooperation in the field of human resource training, especially young human resources.

Mr. Tokai Kisaburo - Head of the Japanese Delegation spoke

Up to now, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering has signed cooperation agreements with 40 Japanese partners, including 28 higher education institutions and research institutes, 12 organizations and businesses, and is implementing extensive and comprehensive cooperation in many aspects of activities: from education and training, scientific research, and technology transfer to career guidance and recruitment. Some typical and particularly effective cooperation activities include the joint Master's training program with Saitama University, student exchange programs and summer courses with Shibaura Institute of Technology, and job fair program for young Vietnamese engineers to train and work in Japan in coordination with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan. Regarding research cooperation activities with Japanese partners, HUCE has been implementing many projects with capital from the Japanese Government. In particular, the School is proud to be one of the few higher education institutions to have 2 projects under the framework of the Science and Technology Research Cooperation Fund for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) approved consecutively with a total value of up to 10 million USD, coordinated by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Among them, the first SATREPS project just went through the acceptance process in March 2024 and was rated Grade A, demonstrating the great effectiveness and pervasiveness of the project's results.

Through the working visit of the delegation, researchers and policymakers from Japan will have more direct perspectives on practical educational, science and technology cooperation activities between organizations and scientists of the two countries. From there, it is possible to propose stronger and more effective policies to promote cooperation in these activities between Japan and Vietnam, especially in the context that the two countries have upgraded their diplomatic relations to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership from November 2023, which identifies culture, education and science and technology as the pillars of cooperation.

The delegation of House of Representatives MPs and the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan took commemorative photos with representatives of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

Information about some typical collaborative research projects of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering in recent years with Japanese partners

1. SATREPS project "Establishment of an effective construction waste management system to control environmental pollution and enhance the ability to manufacture new materials from recycled construction waste in Vietnam" | Partner: Saitama University | Implementation time: 2018-2024 (extended 1 year due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic);

2. SATREPS project "Establishing sustainable water supply system resilient to the contamination of drinking water sources" | Partner: Nagasaki University | Implementation time: 2023-2028;

3. JICA Partnership Program (JPP), project " Piloting the construction of an employment support system in Vietnam for interns to develop construction skills trained in Japan ";

4. Japanese Enterprises Proposing Program (JEPP), project "Business verification survey with the private sector for sustainable development goals (SDGs) for monitoring equipment and alarm systems utilized in safety management during infrastructure construction in Vietnam" (ASSM);

5. Japanese Enterprises Proposing Program (JEPP), project "Business verification survey  aimed at sustainable development in the private sector to deploy a system to reuse dredged mud from rivers in Vietnam" (document sent to the Ministry of Education and Training, awaiting approval).

Links to event news in newspapers:

Some other pictures of the Working Session:

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Giang - Vice Rector of the University presented about the cooperation between Hanoi University of Civil Engineering and organizations in Japan

Representatives of the Japanese delegation and representatives of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering gave gifts and took commemorative photos

The House of Representatives Delegation and the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan visited laboratories and Japanese language classes at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

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