Types of working while studying system training

Working while studying system training

  • Enrollment scale: 400 students per academic year;
  • Training sectors and majors: Training sectors and majors of working while studying system of University of Construction;
  • Enrollment method: Entrance examination;
  • Time of the entrance examnination: According to the annual enrollment plan;
  • Requirement for students: Highschool graduated;
  • Training: The training program is designed for 5,5 years of studying (11 semesters, 10 of them are for gaining credits, one is for doing Graduation thesis)
  • Training duration: the maximum time is 11 years starting from when students enter the university until graduation.

College to University Transition training of Working while studying system

  • Enrollment scale: 400 students per academic year;
  • Training sectors and majors: Training sectors and majors of working while studying system of University of Construction;
  • Enrollment method: Entrance examination;
  • Time of the entrance examnination: According to the annual enrollment plan;
  • Requirement for students: College graduated;
  • Training: The training program is designed for 2.5 years of studying. Students must take additional subjects of registered sector/ major that were deficient in College.

Second Degree training of Working while studying system

  • Enrollment scale: 200 students per academic year;
  • Training sectors and majors: Training sectors and majors of working while studying system of University of Construction;
  • Enrollment method: Admission;
  • Time of the entrance examnination: According to when students apply their records;
  • Requirement for students: University graduated;
  • Training: Students will not have to take the subjects studied in University level that were marked 5 or above and are suitable with the structure program of registered sector/ major. Based on the subject exemption document, students will be arranged in suitable classes.

Admission of full time students transferring to Working while studying system

  • Entering requirements:
  • Students wishing to transfer to the Working while studying system must have a written application and approval of the Director of Centre for Continuous Training;
  • Must have the decision of training system transfer of University of Construction (Political work and Student management Department in charge);
  • Apply with original records;
  • Transcript of subjects achieved at full time system; (subjects with 5 mark or above will be reserved)
  • Training sector: Training sectors and majors of working while studying system of University of Construction.

Training: Students will not have to take the subjects studied in University level that were marked 5 or above and are suitable with the structure program of registered sector/ major. Based on the subject exemption document, students will be arranged in suitable classes.
